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Certification Process by SMRC

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Certification Process by SMRC .

At SMRC, we follow a well-defined and comprehensive certification process to ensure that organizations meet the highest standards of quality management and achieve ISO certifications. Our certification process is designed to be efficient, thorough, and in accordance with international standards and best practices. Here's an overview of the certification process offered by SMRC:

Initial Enquiry:
Organizations interested in obtaining an ISO certification can reach out to SMRC for an initial enquiry. Our knowledgeable team is available to provide information, answer queries, and guide organizations through the certification process.

Application and Documentation:
Once an organization decides to proceed with the certification, they submit an application to SMRC. The application includes relevant information about the organization, its activities, scope of certification, and desired ISO standard(s). Additionally, the organization provides supporting documentation related to its quality management system.

Pre-Assessment (Optional):
As an optional step, SMRC offers a pre-assessment to help organizations gauge their readiness for the formal certification process. This assessment involves a review of the organization's documentation and initial evaluation of its management system against the applicable ISO standard(s).

Certification Audit Planning:
After the application is received and the necessary documentation is submitted, SMRC initiates the certification audit planning process. This involves determining the scope, objectives, and audit schedule in coordination with the organization.

Stage 1 Audit:
The first stage of the audit, known as the Stage 1 audit, is conducted to evaluate the organization's readiness for the formal certification assessment. The auditors review the organization's documentation, processes, and systems to assess compliance with the ISO standard(s) requirements.

Stage 2 Audit:
The Stage 2 audit is the main assessment conducted to verify the implementation, effectiveness, and conformity of the organization's quality management system against the ISO standard(s). The auditors conduct on-site visits, interview personnel, and review records to assess the organization's compliance.

Audit Findings and Report:
Following the Stage 2 audit, the auditors prepare an audit report detailing their findings, observations, and recommendations. The report highlights any non-conformities, areas for improvement, and potential corrective actions required by the organization.

Certification Decision:
Based on the audit findings and recommendations, SMRC makes a certification decision. If the organization meets the requirements of the ISO standard(s), SMRC issues the certification. The certification is valid for a defined period, subject to surveillance audits.

Surveillance Audits:
To maintain the validity of the certification, surveillance audits are conducted periodically. These audits assess the organization's ongoing compliance with the ISO standard(s) and the effectiveness of its quality management system.

Certificate Renewal:
At the end of the certification period, organizations are required to apply for certificate renewal. SMRC reviews the organization's compliance during the surveillance audits and, upon successful evaluation, renews the certification for another defined period.

At SMRC, our certification process is guided by a commitment to excellence, integrity, and professionalism. We work closely with organizations throughout the certification journey, providing guidance, support, and expertise to help them achieve and maintain ISO certifications. Our aim is to empower organizations with certifications that demonstrate their dedication to quality, continuous improvement, and customer satisfaction.